The proposal aquaponics  an alternative oriented to the food production of quality presented/displayed by the denominated group the Geoecologistas of the program Cundinamarca Waves of the Normal School Superior of Gacheta is directed to the development of the curiosity, I devise and the creativity from the question like departure point of all the investigation.

Aquaponics can be defined as the combination of a system of recirculante aquiculture, with hydroponics, defining aquiculture as the aquatic animal culture like fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants in controlled environments, and hydroponics as the culture of plants placing the roots in nutritious solutions those that must contain essential elements like NKP mainly nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and of smaller elements Cu (Copper) Mn (Manganese), etc.

In general terms one is to generate a system in which the organic remainders produced by some aquatic organism (generally fish) are turned, through the bacterial action, in nitrates, that serve as source as food for plants. These as well when taking these nitrates, clean the water for the fish acting as biological filter.

All the system leaves from the premise according to which the remainders of the fish are very similar to the requirements of the plants to grow and to be developed.

Aquaponics like educative tool is a system that can be used in different areas from sciences to increase the interest of the children and the young people in research activities, scientific and enterprise.

With this type of culture system it would be being been contributing to solve some social problems that the educative community presents/displays and that are:

– First it solves the nourishing problems and

– Secondly a use source is obtained to partly resolve economic problems that the educative community had in the educative development (financing technical education and/or superior and familiar support).


Creative Commons License
LA ACUAPONÍA UNA ALTERNATIVA ORIENTADA A LA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS DE CALIDAD EN LA ESCUELA NORMAL SUPERIOR DE GACHETÁ by Diego Mauricio Moreno Guzmán is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 Colombia License.